Important COVID-19 Protocols for All Patients Visiting Our Offices
We will always keep safety front and center, and we will strive to make the appointment process as efficient as possible. We ask for everyone’s cooperation in following some important steps and being aware of our protocols:
- All Patients Screened – All patients will be screened in the office for COVID-19 using a questionnaire upon entry.
- Facemasks (without valves) Required – Facemasks or face coverings (without valves/vents) are required for anyone entering our facility. We will not be able to allow anyone without a facemask to enter.
- Visitors Discouraged – In trying to keep everyone safe during this pandemic, visitors are strongly discouraged from coming with patients. We ask that visitors wait in their car and we will be happy to call them by phone from the exam room if they want to be a part of the exam. We ask that visitors only come when they are the parent of a patient who is a minor or they are required to support an incapacitated patient in their activities of daily living. If it’s absolutely necessary for a visitor to attend an office visit with a patient, we will allow 1 single visitor per patient.
- Observe Safety on Elevators – Please do not overcrowd the limited space in the elevator. You may also use the stairs as we now keep them open daily.
- Observe Social Distancing in Office – Please maintain a safe distance (6 feet if possible) from all other individuals in the office. When sitting in the waiting room resumes, please observe the signs indicating which chairs you should not sit in. Once the waiting room limit has been reached, we will ask patients to wait in their car until we call them up by phone.
- Use Hand Sanitizer – Dispensers with hand sanitizer have been placed at each front desk location in our offices and also at the entrance to the office in Linden. Please sanitize hands upon entry each and every time.
Other Safety Protocols We Are Taking
Union County Orthopaedic Group will continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and other sources as we continue to regularly update safety protocols to protect our patients and staff. Below are some of the protocols we have adopted:
- Staff attempts to call patients ahead of their appointment to collect patient health history whenever possible. This helps to speed up the process of the office visit to create less bottlenecks and improve social distancing.
- All staff are required to wear facemasks (without vents).
- Any iPads that are being used will be disinfected between each and every use.
- Regular cleaning and disinfecting of all office furniture in waiting rooms and exam rooms throughout the day; especially frequently touched surfaces.
- Plexiglass barriers have been installed wherever possible to offer staff and patients more protection.
- A glass barrier has been installed at the front desk in the Clark location, and solid glass panels have been installed at the front desks in the Linden location.
- Staff COVID-19 screening takes place daily.
- Staff is regularly sanitizing and washing hands throughout the day.
- Restricting vendors and extra visitors from entering our facility.
- We have strongly pushed for all staff to be vaccinated, and we are currently close to a 90% vaccination rate.
Scheduling Your Appointment
We hope that the safety protocols we have put in place will make you more comfortable in coming to our office to be seen. We will continue to update these on a daily and weekly basis. Call our office today at (908) 486-111 to schedule your appointment or request an appointment online. We look forward to providing you with the same high quality of care that you are accustomed to receiving. We hope that you and your family stay safe during this challenging time.